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Why Placement Oriented Training?

• Communication Training, skills development and knowledge give confidence to the trainees that their job will be handled professionally.

• Trainees will learn how to grab a job in the open market as per their requirement.

• Trainees will learn how to crack interviews and selection process to get a desirable job.

• Trainees will learn how to develop realistic schedules and achieve goals by-in.

• Trainees will learn how to improve the quality of their work and other deliverable.

• Trainees will get the opportunity to interact with the companies’ representative and industry experts to understand the companies’ requirement, develop their skills and business communication.


• Our facilitators possess the requisite professional and academic qualifications coupled with highly relevant career and business experiences which aid them in ensuring that the sessions are as practical and relevant as possible.

• We also invite the industry experts and facilitators to share their experience and working style to enhance the skills and grab the job.

• We also try to invite the delegate those who are working with us in the field of education (Abroad and India).

Aptitude Test

The campus selection process starts with Aptitude Test, which will assess your mind power to perform in a particular way. This includes quantitative problems, logical ability, numerical, verbal and analytical reasoning abilities sections. Each section may have individual eligibility criteria. Part of the test may be on C & C++. Though you will be trained by experts during 5th semester you need to practice on your own in order to achieve the required speed and accuracy.
Useful links to placement test papers

The test papers are from the memory of the students who have attended the test (not from the company) and therefore caution has to be exercised.
bullethttp://www.VYOMS – Redefining the way Freshers Get Job!.com
Important Books
bulletPuzzles to Puzzle YouShakuntala Devi
bulletIn the Wonderland of NumbersShakuntala Devi
bulletThe Great Book of Puzzles And TeasersGeorge J. Summers
bulletQuantitative AptitudeR.S Agarwal
bulletVerbal ReasoningR.S Agarwal
bulletBrain TeasersRavi Narula
bulletTest Your C SkillsYashwant Kanetkar
bulletBody Language- your success MantraDr.Shalini Varma
bulletTest Your C SkillsS Thamarai SelviR Murugesan
bulletCracking IT InterviewBalasubramanium . M & others
For Group discussion and HR interview, the soft skills you learn during training have to be developed. The book on body language will be very useful. For technical interview refer to book "Cracking IT Interview" by Balasubramanium . M & others. However it is desirable to keep the technical knowledge summarized in a diary for ready reference.

some questions for interviewing an adult

  • Tell me something about yourself...
  • What has life taught you?
  • Who and what has surprised you in your life?
  • What do you see in your future?
  • What are you most proud of?
  • What are your regrets?
  • Did you have any pets when you were growing up? If so, what were they like?
  • What was the happiest moment of your life? The saddest? The most memorable?
  • What have you always wanted to do, but haven't done yet? Do you think you'll have the chance to do it?
  • How would you like to be remembered?
Some questions for interviewing a youth
  • Who are the most important people in your life?
  • What's your favorite part of school?
  • What is your earliest memory?
  • Describe the place where you live – what's it like there?
  • What are your big goals in life?
  • Who's your best friend? What do you like to do together?
  • Do you have any siblings? How are they like you and how are they different?
  • What do you dream for the children of your country?
  • What do want to be later in life and why?
  • Describe an ordinary day in your life, from the moment you wake up until the time you go to sleep

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Quick Tips to Make your HR Job Easier.pdf Quick Tips to Make your HR Job Easier.pdf
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Stress.pdf Stress.pdf
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Group Discussion Tips & Tricks

A group discussion (GD) is a simulated exercise, where you cannot suddenly put up a show, since the evaluators will see through you easily. GD is a discussion by a group of people which involves an exchange of thoughts and ideas. Group Discussions are largely used by institutes where there is a high level of competition. The number of participants in a group may vary from 8 to 15 people. In most cases a topic or a situation is given to the group and the members have to discuss it within a given period of time 
A group discussion consists of:
·                     Communication Skills
·                     Knowledge and ideas regarding a given subject
·                     Capability to co-ordinate and lead
·                     Exchange of thoughts
·                     Addressing the group as a whole
·                     Thorough preparations

There are some simple procedures that can help you to foster equal and open sharing in group discussions, whether with fellow teachers or with your students

A good description of your objective is - to be noticed to have contributed significantly in an attempt to help the group reach the right
The most important aspect of your contribution to a GD is the quality of content (QOC), which is reflected in the points you make, knowledge of the relevant subject, and the supportive examples you give.
When you start a GD, you are responsible for putting it into the right perspective or framework. So nitiate one only if you have in depth knowledge about the topic at hand.

There are different techniques to initiate a GD and make a good first impression:
·                     Quotes
·                     Definition
·                     Short story
·                     Question
·                     Shock statement
·                     Facts, figures and statistics

You should be able to articulate your thoughts properly and you should also be able to understand what others are trying to say.
riical success factors in a GD

Cognitive skills or knowledge
The most important aspect of your contribution to a GD is the quality of content (QOC), which is reflected in the points you make, knowledge of the relevant subject, and the supportive examples you give.
Comprehension of the core idea
It is essential to deliver high quality content. But to do that, you should speak on the topic and not deviate. The panel basically wants to see whether you have identified the crux of the problem and whether you are offering relevant solutions. 
Logical reasoning
It includes understanding the topic, generating quality arguments, analysis and a progressive approach to a justifiable conclusion. This is one of the necessary attributes to be seen in an influential participant. Such people convey an impression of being open minded and logic driven rather than opinionated. 
Behavioural and personality skills
This includes certain attributes like rapport-building, team membership, participation, patience, assertion and accommodation, amenability, leadership, etc. 
Communication skills
You should be able to articulate your thoughts properly and you should also be able to understand what others are trying to say. 
Clarity of thoughts
In whatever you say, follow a logical sequence/order rather then presenting the points in some bits and pieces. 
Body language and eye contact
These are some tools which check your level of confidence and whether you can work together effectively in a group or not. So, be sure to maintain eye contact with everyone in the group.

1.               The parliamentary form of democracy has failed in India.
2.               Consumer satisfaction should be achieved at any cost.
3.               Managers do not add value to the society.
4.               Democracy is the only way to a sustained economic growth.
5.               Should youth indulge in politics?
6.               Liberalisation in 1991 was a forced one.
7.               Democracy is a luxury in India.
8.               What will the present budget be like?
9.               Management education should make job seekers job creators.
10.           To prevent India from disintegrating, more autonomy should be given to the states.
11.           Talk of social responsibility in the private sector is sheer hypocrisy.
12.           Political crisis and the Indian economy
13.           Corruption is an economic lubricant, and hence may not be all that bad.
14.           The Indian economy is in shambles.
15.           Government should reduce defence expenditure and spend more on social sector.
16.           The UN has not served any purpose in the last decade.
17.           Religion is a private matter and should be no concern of the state.
18.           Will computerization make a robot of all human beings?
19.           Women make better managers than men.
20.           Do computers dehumanize society?
21.           Success comes not so much by solving problems as by exploiting opportunities.
22.           All higher education in India should be privatized.
23.           GDs as a means of selection by the IIMs are a farce.
24.           Is greed an essential human quality?
25.           Pollution control is a luxury for India.
26.           Engineers joining management is a national waste.
27.           The pen is mightier than the sword, but fanaticism is the mightiest of all.
28.           Has the Indian political structure outlived its utility?
29.           Profit is the only business of business.
30.           India should be reorganized into smaller states.
31.           Growth and integrity are poles apart.
32.           Managerial skills learnt from classroom can never match those learnt from experience.


Be on time!
Practice getting to the venue to see how long it will take. Public transport may be useless, the traffic may have been heavy, but however reasonable it won't affect the fact that your chances are reduced if you are late. Always remember - You never get a second chance to make a first impression.
Be Prepared!
Look at the employers' website and learn something about the company before you attend your interview. Feed them the opportunity to talk proudly about something positive you have found.
Write down and practice possible interview questions
Writing them down and practicing them with someone will make it easier to remember when you get to the interview. Use the third person when talking about the job. Avoid sounding as though you assume the job is yours. It is fine to ask about the package on offer and accommodation - living in and living out are particularly relevant.  You could also try a fewer more testing questions such as how they differentiate themselves from their competitors or what they think the toughest/hardest part of the job is. 
You never get a second chance to make a first impression!
The outcome of the interview will depend largely on the impression you make during the first five minutes. To succeed, you must project a professional, competent and enthusiastic image. Your aim is to convince the interviewer that you would be an asset to the company.
Be honest! 
There really is no point lying about your background and/or skills. If you get caught, or even manage to get out to resort and then get found out, you can be sure you won't be around for long! Job interviews are about matching needs - if there isn't a good match, then chances are that the job won't work out. 
Check your Resume and be prepared with questions arising from your CV
Make sure you know well what all you have mentioned in your resume. Do remember that there should not be anything written in your resume of which you are not well prepared of. One golden rule says be HONEST. Remember this fact. If you are unable to make your resume attractive try contacting some services.
Know yourself.
Mentally review the skills and character traits you have that will help the company's bottom line. Think in terms of the value you can add to the position and the company 
Talk about specific achievements!
Interviewers like to know how you felt about a particular success. Some will ask for specific examples of things you've done that you're particularly proud of; how you solved problems; how you learned - and improved - from difficult situations.
Don't talk too much!
Spud again - Communication is a two-way thing so give them a chance.
Prepare a sample menu plan!
If you are applying for a catering job then take along a sample menu plan. By this we mean a starter/main/dessert combination over six days, ideally with a vegetarian option. Think about teh balance of nutrients and how the colors will look on the plate. Our recipe section has a number of favourites.

Take a spare photo & CV with you!
Your interviewer won't be expecting it so you will impress them. It also helps them remember you after the interview.
Be enthusiastic and positive!
Don't criticize previous employers, particularly within the industry. Focus on positive achievements and views.
Alter your answers
If you're called back for subsequent interviews after the preliminary one, you will face different interviewers. So, find ways to make the same information sound different. Don't describe the same project you managed to all the interviewers. Instead, describe a different project in each of the successive interviews.

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